Starting with a 1:1 collaborative client-consultant meeting that aims to gather pertinent details relating to your chief concerns, life event timeline, diet nutrition lifestyle, health history, review of previous biomarkers and testing, and goal setting that will guide and position in creating the foundation in building a supportive plan and healing process. Services will continue throughout a supportive 8 week GI Realignment Program.
Areas of consulting focus on removal of dietary irritants, intolerances & toxins, nutritional optimization, building techniques to improve digestion, absorption and elimination. 1:1 client-consultant includes GI-MAP testing that will provide guidance on a personalized nutritional plan, pending indicated deficiencies revealed through the GI MAP testing. We provide insight and guidance on a food first approach in healing your gut and improving your health and wellness.
We set out to not just accomplish personal goals, but we aim to create and reinforce behaviors that build and promote a optimal lifestyle. The behaviors we seek to create focus on providing sustainable life long change in promotion of physical and mental well-being. Our approach begins in the gut but aims to transform your health span.
If you regularly experience any of the following …
Abdominal discomfort such as bloating, pain, cramps
Diarrhea and/or loose stools
Fatty Stools
Excessive flatulence and/or belching
Food sensitivities
Weight Gain
Loss of appetite
Chronic Fatigue
Intermittent or ongoing nausea
Acid reflux (heartburn)
Insomnia/difficulty sleeping
Eczema/atopic dermatitis
You could benefit from a comprehensive, 8 week GI Realignment Wellness Plan, which includes:
Initial 1:1 meeting (60-90 minutes). Be prepared to discuss your chief complaints, past treatments and testing, life events, nutrition and lifestyle. Prior to the meeting a Diet Nutrition Lifestyle and Medical History questionnaire will be emailed to you.
Breakthrough, diagnostic stool testing with review and analysis.
A continued focus on digestive support, inflammation modulation, microbiome support, prebiotic support and antimicrobial support.
Consideration of food sensitivity testing.
Service charge includes GI testing
Personalized food plan created pending results of GI MAP testing
Evidenced-based and personalized supplementation education and planning.
Week to week meetings and updates
Personal response to emails within 24 hours
One on one guidance and education in selecting the proper diet (Core Food Plan, Low FODMAP, Elimination Diet, Specific Carbohydrate Diet, etc.) pending review of your symptoms and results of the GI MAP testing.
Tailored supplement plans dictated by the results of your GI mapping and testing
Goals include replaced and supporting digestion and absorption, repairing the intestinal barrier “leaky gut”, and increasing the diversity of the commensal bacteria, while eliminating harmful pathogens and toxins.
Your health is my priority. You can expect direct response to emails within 24 hours.
Each plan is discussed, reviewed and implemented as a team. Flexibility and adaptability remain key as we continue to adapt throughout the process
Service Fee
The following is a fee for consultation services – I do not provide medical care or diagnose medical conditions under my medical license. This service fee includes the price of stool testing but does not include future supplementation and/or food sensitivity testing. These services will be charged as an out-of-pocket fee, due to nature of not involving insurance companies. The client should not refrain from seeking direct medical attention when under my counsel when in the need of direct medical attention. There is a complete and free initial consultation., therefore after the initial consultation and a mutual agreement sought, then financial services will then be rendered. The service fee includes GI- MAP testing which is required by all clients.
Book a Consultation
“Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything”
- George Bernard Shaw